I put it all on the line - three years of my life - betting big on blockchains to solve the world's cybersecurity mess.

Here's the deal: blockchains are a game-changer because they kick the need for trust to the curb.In this era where everything's a cloud service, our global cybersecurity is in shambles, all thanks to this trust issue.

Right now, the cybersecurity game in blockchains is barely tapped outside finance and governance even though they have an insane cybersecurity posture.

To simplify, let's talk cybersecurity, but in basketball terms. Imagine corporate cloud networks playing defence with firewalls and intrusion detection, like a perimeter zone defence. Your sensitive data? That's the basket. It's only a matter of time before a LeBron James-level hacker tears through that defence and scores.

It's like guarding a pot of gold with just a wall. It's flawed. Just a tiny gap, and boom, chaos ensues.

But blockchains? They change the game. There's no "breaking in" like with traditional systems. They're tough from the get-go. Trying to hack a blockchain? Economically dumb and a total non-starter. This security isn't just theory; it's been solid in practice for years.

With blockchains, the software isn't just tough; it's the boss. Not the developers, companies, or machines. The software calls the shots.

This is why blockchains deliver on security promises, governed by unchangeable code, not people or their word. That's how you make security legit and relentless. Blockchains don't care about outside pressure, misaligned priorities, fear, or politics.Legacy companies? They can't promise security, have misaligned goals, can ditch a product anytime, and are too free-wheeling. They break promises and have over and over again. Whether they mean to or not.

Blockchains are a threat to their power, seen as a leash. That's why we're in this global cybersecurity crisis.

So, with this deep-tech, ultra-secure spreadsheet in hand, what did we do at Jackal Protocol?

We created the world's most secure data permissions system.

Jackal can rid the world of trust in SaaS and cloud environments. Using the self-custodial, tough nature of blockchains, we baked in data permissions, ownership, redundancy, and security promises right on-chain in a public cloud storage setup.

No one, not even Jackal's creators, can touch your personal data without your wallet's private keys. That's the only way we tackle global cybersecurity crisis.

In the meantime, here is the score board.

- Average cost of a data breach globally is 3.85 million.

- 79% of companies have experienced a cloud data breach in the last 18 months.

- 34% of data breaches come form internal actors.

- Global cost of cybercrime will reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

- 47% of adults have private data hacked and leaked.

- Average time to identify a data breach is 207 days.
